Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 2: Cultural Collage

My cultural collage represents a mixture of what I feel best describes me. 

(The cultures starting from top left:) 
*Peni (my cat) is pictured to represent the culture of pet owners

*The next few pictures are to represent the cultural aspect of family
*The music staff represents my love of music
*Apache Belles was my college sorority. so it plays a major part of my culture as well
*The camera represents different types of arts (photography, design)
*I travel any chance I get, so the globe represents all of my travels
 *Dance has played a major role in my career
*Friendships, of course, help signify certain cultural thoughts and ideals
*The Macintosh apple  represents my love of technology
*The books represents my cultural roles of a student, as well as a substitute teacher & coach